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Green Waste Management

Goodland Gardens provides a solution based approach to a growing problem, "Green Waste". What is green waste? It’s the plant-based materials produced by your landscape. What if we saw “value” in the green waste we produced? Today, most property owners have it removed on a weekly bases. It is taken off property, to places, like the local dump. What if we viewed green waste as an “asset” rather than a costly burden? Organic matter is an essential building block to a healthy landscape. Composting is natures way of recycling. By integrating green waste into the cycle of composting, the results produce healthier rich fertile soil. Composting is one of the most powerful actions we can take to reduce our waste, increase soil fertility, and address climate change. We manage this relationship and leverage the benefits of a scalable solution to a growing problem. Please contact us for more information on sustainable waste management.

VeeGee thermometer in a thermophilic compost pile
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